This is the third post in my little series to help you explore the concept of less=more.
In keeping with the philosophy, I am going to keep this post and tip, very brief.
If you can:
- do less
- have less
- need less
- more time
- more energy
- more resources
Lesson #3 - one
What repetitive routines in your life can you minimise and do just once?Here is one example. 'Tidy up' in my household is something I could do all day. In fact, I think there was a time in my life when it did.
Now, we do it once a day. At 4pm. The sweeties help me and we race around the main living areas quickly collecting items that are out of place. We put them all in a central location, our kitchen/breakfast bench.
Here is a sneak peek. Toys, books, papers, hair ties, phones - the usual. We bring them all to the bench. Quickly.

Once everything is cleaned up, we meet at the table.
Rubbish is gathered first and thrown out. Clothing is taken to the laundry basket if needed. Books are sorted and batched and taken to the correct shelf.
And so it goes - sorting and packing away in batches.
It. Saves. So. Much. Time.
And is almost fun for the sweeties. It also makes you more relaxed about putting up with a little 'chaos' and mess through the day if you know that you have a tidy-up routine which is easier and faster.
Now, you can easily apply this to all areas of your classroom and school life as well as other domestic areas.
You will do less work and gain more time, I promise!
Thanks so much for stopping by, I look forward to sharing more things that have worked for me to make more from less over the coming weeks.