Joyful Learning Through Math, Art & Play!

Back to School Bus Craftivity

I have linked up my Back to School Bus Craftivity with the '2 for Tuesday' linky over at Chalk One Up for the Teacher!

This packet is 50% for today and you can find it at TpT HERE

Your students can have fun making a cute little bus with flap windows. Under each portrait illustrated window they can write about themselves, their friends and their teacher. 

In my TpT store, you will also find another BTS packet on sale, my 'School Number Line Puzzles'. This resource contains 11 projects for students to work on to develop number sequence and counting. The numbers range from 1 to 30 and each puzzle features 6 numbers. A cute school themed picture is created once students have done all the hard work! My students love these and I am sure yours will too. 

Be sure to head over to Cyndie's blog to find more 'Two for Tuesday' specials!
Have a wonderful day, friends. 

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