Joyful Learning Through Math, Art & Play!

31 July 2015

Five for Friday - 31st July

1. New Resource Packet

Make addition and subtraction fun with these robot themed worksheets!

Your students will solve seven addition or subtraction problems (within 20) and then cut and paste the ones that match the number on their robot.

You can find a free sample HERE from google drive. 

2. Bundle Complete

Sweet, sweet words are they. 

My 'Write the Room' bundle is finally complete. If you have already purchased the bundle, simply re-downlaod from your 'My Purchases' tab to snag all the new packets! There are now 20 fun activities in this bundle. 

Find it in my TpT store HERE

3. Winner Winner

Congratulations to Penny! No chicken dinner, but you have won a $50 TpT gift voucher. I have already emailed it to you, so let me know if you have any troubles getting it! 

I run a daily-entry giveaway right here on my blog, and it is super easy to enter. 

Enter the August giveaway (now closed)

4. Periscope

Have you been joining in the fun on Periscope? Periscope is a live screening social media platform. I am experiencing intermittent Internet performance, but am doing my best to tune in when I can. I can't always do the comments and hearts, because it freezes my screen, but I am doing my best. 

Please pray with me, that Australian government leaders take Internet speed improvement seriously. Please and thank you! #firstworldproblems I know! 

One of my favourites has been Sheila Jane. I love her open hearted, embracing philosophy and she is just so fun to watch/listen. I am filled with so much pride and happiness for our profession when I hear teachers like Sheila.

5. Stress Less

Another tip from my reading on stress - agree with the criticism. I love this one, and its so easy to do. Next time someone criticises you, just agree with them. Watch the issue that it 'could have been', dissolve into nothing. Don't be a push-over or a door-mat but agree, accept, apologise if you need to and move on. Now, use all that saved time to do something productive!

Thanks so much for visiting my blog. Head over to Doodle Bugs for more Friday-randomness.

28 July 2015

Back to School Bus Craftivity

I have linked up my Back to School Bus Craftivity with the '2 for Tuesday' linky over at Chalk One Up for the Teacher!

This packet is 50% for today and you can find it at TpT HERE

Your students can have fun making a cute little bus with flap windows. Under each portrait illustrated window they can write about themselves, their friends and their teacher. 

In my TpT store, you will also find another BTS packet on sale, my 'School Number Line Puzzles'. This resource contains 11 projects for students to work on to develop number sequence and counting. The numbers range from 1 to 30 and each puzzle features 6 numbers. A cute school themed picture is created once students have done all the hard work! My students love these and I am sure yours will too. 

Be sure to head over to Cyndie's blog to find more 'Two for Tuesday' specials!
Have a wonderful day, friends. 


26 July 2015

If I were a Crayon

The Day The Crayons Quit Writing Activity

 Crayons. They're bright, colorful and as characters in books such as The Day the Crayons Quit... loads of fun and good humor!

Our new writing craft packet will provide you with template pieces to make a cute little crayon character booklet.
The Day The Crayons Quit Writing Activity

  • color the templates pieces (or run on colored paper)
  • cut and paste to make the crayon
  • staple some lined paper on the back (provided)
  • write about being a crayon
If cut and paste craft makes you cringe, a 'ready made' cover is ready with not too many bits to cut!

These pieces can be printed on color paper, or print them on white paper and ask your students to shade them. Add crafty details if you choose, to make this a more complex activity for your students.
This is perfect for back-to-school time or to accompany a reading of a book like The Day the Crayons Quit.

The Day The Crayons Quit Writing Activity

Hop over to TpT to find this new craft!

24 July 2015

Five for Friday - July 24th

Five for Friday time my friends. Despite this being one of my most favourite things to do in the week, I am reminded that yet another week has gone by and there is no slowing down.


1. This sweetie. 

Love him so much and more and more each day. I am so proud to be his mother and am enjoying being his best friend for now and soaking up as many hugs and kisses that I can.

2. Scrappy Decor

I have another addition to our growing classroom decor range - this one features one of my drawings for each letter of the alphabet. Find more details on the website.

Scrappy Alphabet Posters

3. Cold

Like, ten degrees cold driving to work. brrrrrr

4. Things Change
Yes they do.

Things change meme

5. A stress-less reminder

Regular blog followers will know that I am reading a little book of tips to keep from getting too stressed-out! 

One I liked this week was "Get comfortable not knowing". This is something I have to constantly work at. Most of the time we blow everything out of proportion and think of terrible things that 'will' happen. But.....they mostly never do - so quit worrying and be happy 'not-knowing'! 

Thanks so much for stopping by my friends!


22 July 2015

Prewriting for Back to School

My Back to School Write and Wipe cards are a great pre-writing activity. My students love fun cards like this, especially as a skills based fast finishing activity.

Back to school fine motor

Our  Pinning Pages are another fun way to help your students develop good fine motor co-ordination. 

Pokey PIn School

Find this free sample on a past post of ours: Schoolhouse Pinning Page Freebie


20 July 2015

Free Happy Coloring Pages

I hope your week is off to a wonderful start. We are back into school here in Australia. Hence I added two blocks of chocolate to my grocery cart yesterday. Yep, school is back in. 

I made some scrappy coloring pages for my daughter last week and thought I would share them with you. We had two weeks of very cold, drab and rainy weather. Out came the puzzles, books and paints. We constructed blanket forts and cubby houses and watched a few too many movies.

Coloring pages added a little brightness to our days and they look very decorative on our play room wall. Perhaps they will look good in your classroom too?!

You can find it in the scrappy category page of our free Coloring Club library!

Thank you so much for visiting my blog today. I hope you are enjoying a happy day wherever you are!

17 July 2015

Christmas in July - Friday

Hi friends! I am rounding off the end of the Christmas in July week with a very special 50% off my 2 new Back-to-School packets. 

These are BTS versions of two of my very popular resources - pinning and 'big shape tracing'.

When I first started teaching, I read a very good book on fine motor and prewriting development. It recommended 'big shape tracing' and it is a phrase that has always stuck with me! 

Pinning has been a favourite activity of all the classes I have taught and a teacher with 30 years experience introduced me to it. She was a very calm lady and had wonderful ideas for keeping children engaged and settled. 

Head over to my TpT store to find these packets! Just click on any of the images above. 

Have a wonderful day!


16 July 2015

Christmas in July - Thursday

Where is the week going? Welcome to Thursday of our Christmas in July celebration of savings! 

I have another new file listed today. I have a few back-to-school packets banked up that I have been chipping away at for a couple of months! This has been the perfect time to release them because I can offer them to you at a 50% discount! 

'Letters in the House" has 26 letter sorting worksheets to help get your students interested and engaged in letter identification. These would be perfect for pre-K and early Kindergarten. They also make for great review for students that need extra practice. There are simple lines to cut and students can learn essential cut and paste skills while completing some work on their letters.

Students will sort the focus letter into upper and lower case houses and familiarise themselves with each letter of the alphabet in a range of fonts. 

Find it in my TpT store today

Thanks so much for stopping by today!


15 July 2015

Christmas in July - Wednesday

Happy Wednesday friends! Today I have another couple of surprises for you to help celebrate Christmas in July with the Blog Hoppin' girls!

I have reduced my 'Year of Number Bingo' bundle to a teeny tiny $15.00! 

This huge collection of 33 printable number games is $99.00 at full price. Each printable game is valued at $3.  At $15.00, that is less than 50c a game! 

Each game packet comes with 3 different caller card sets, so you can easily differentiate. They also include a worksheet for follow-up and a cover page to get you organized!

This price will never be seen again! So hurry over to my TpT store today if you would like to take the opportunity to secure this much value in one big bundle!

I also have a FLASH freebie for you today. 'Bear's Bingo' is free for 24 hours only. 

Bear's Bingo will help your students learn about numbers to 20 and is great to tie in with a reading of 'Brown Bear, Brown Bear' at the beginning of the school year! 

This game is one of the August games included in my year bundle!

Find this gift over in my TpT store, by clicking on the image below. 

Thank you so much for visiting and helping me to celebrate Christmas in July! 


14 July 2015

cvc Wheels and Take Home Notes Freebie

Your students will enjoy creating rhyming words on each wheel. The letter and picture clues will assist them as they discover how to substitute a letter in each word to create a family of words. 

cvc wheels

Some students may need the entire year to become confident in 'hearing' how words rhyme. It is so important to do as many aural activities for rhyming as you possibly can. I play a simple one with my students whenever we have a few spare minutes. I simply say a series of three or four words, and they must determine the rhyming pair and tell me. Listening and talking during word work is essential - this written work should be a follow up. 

cvc games

As a little Christmas in July gift for you today, I have made some special 'word work' take home notes. I love these fun and easy-to-prep rewards for students that you see working extra hard through the day. 

You can read more about them on THIS post

Just print them on coloured paper, chop them up and you are all set. If you have time to write on them, there is an optional back page to write a student's name and record their special achievement. 

You can make them even more 'special' by giving the awardees time to colour them with special markers and fancy pens. 

take home notes

Download your gift from Google Drive HERE

If you would like to have more 'Take Home Notes' you can find the packet in my TpT store!

Thank you so much for stopping by today friends!

Christmas in July Kick Off!

Hi friends!
It is well and truly Christmas-sy here in my little part of the world. We are experiencing a VERY chilly winter and I love getting snuggled up on the sofa with warm drinks and not feeling guilty at all for staying indoors! There was a very exciting rumour circulating that we may even see snow on the mountain that I can see from my house. It would be a once in a century sought of thing. It hasn't eventuated, but I have my eyes peeled! 
My friends over at Blog Hoppin enjoy a summery Christmas-in-July and decided it was a great excuse for a sale! Every day this week I will have a surprise sale, discount or freebie! Let the festivities begin!
Today I have discounted my new 'Big Bus Game Pack'. It is LESS than 50% off!

It includes 3 fun printable games (my favourite thing of all) to help revise numbers to 30 when you head back to school!
Students can practice forward number sequences with Bus Count

They will order numbers from least to greatest in Bus Order.

And make sure they have combinations-to-ten down pat with Make Ten Bus.

Each game has a recording worksheet, detailed game instructions and a cover page (to get your pockets and tubs labelled and organized). 

Just $1.50 for 3 fun games that your students will love! That is sweeter than Christmas pudding!

Have a wonderful day my lovelies, and don't forget to head over to Blog Hoppin to find links to other fabulous stores!


10 July 2015

Pencil Tin Labels

My daughter and I had fun for a few hours this afternoon, making these decorative pencil tins. They are easy to make and super fast. The whole process from having the idea, shopping for the equipment through to having them made, only took me about two hours! 

First I printed out the full page-sized labels. 

I used sticky label paper (and that is all I needed to buy).

I cleaned out some tins. 

We sorted out our pantry today and found a few tins that were not their best (it's what gave us the idea in the first place). We went to a Mr Maker show last weekend, and my daughter has since been in a creative frenzy 'making' and 'creating' her way through her school winter break!

We measured the size our labels needed to be

And cut them down to size.

I then peeled the backing off and wrapped them around each tin. I used the existing label as a starting guide, to make sure I was starting from a 'straight' place.

So easy!

If I was going to use them in the classroom, I would safeguard them by adding thick duct tape to the top edge. 

Such an easy way to add a little fun to your room!

I would love to share them with you for FREE for this week only! Head over to TpT to find them HERE

I have some more very special classroom decor ideas to share with you in the next few days, so please stop by again to see them!

Have a wonderful day! 

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