Joyful Learning Through Math, Art & Play!

15 July 2015

Christmas in July - Wednesday

Happy Wednesday friends! Today I have another couple of surprises for you to help celebrate Christmas in July with the Blog Hoppin' girls!

I have reduced my 'Year of Number Bingo' bundle to a teeny tiny $15.00! 

This huge collection of 33 printable number games is $99.00 at full price. Each printable game is valued at $3.  At $15.00, that is less than 50c a game! 

Each game packet comes with 3 different caller card sets, so you can easily differentiate. They also include a worksheet for follow-up and a cover page to get you organized!

This price will never be seen again! So hurry over to my TpT store today if you would like to take the opportunity to secure this much value in one big bundle!

I also have a FLASH freebie for you today. 'Bear's Bingo' is free for 24 hours only. 

Bear's Bingo will help your students learn about numbers to 20 and is great to tie in with a reading of 'Brown Bear, Brown Bear' at the beginning of the school year! 

This game is one of the August games included in my year bundle!

Find this gift over in my TpT store, by clicking on the image below. 

Thank you so much for visiting and helping me to celebrate Christmas in July! 

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