Hello Friday! And, hello friends! It is time for 5 for Friday with Kacey from Doodle Bugs Teaching.
1. Sticky Note Organizer
I have found a new way to get more organized. I know, I know, I know. Another way.
Let's just agree that I like organising my organisation more than actually being organized.
I made a pretty little page to get my top six projects displayed easily and scrappily.
Last week I thought I was pretty proud of myself for finding a way to use the enormous clipboard I found at Officeworks. This will make a perfect board for all my random ideas, thoughts, reminders and notes - I thought.
Until it became a mess, and I was bogged down in a sticky-note mayhem.
Now, each morning I pick 6 of my notes and prioritise them on my organiser and it keeps me more focused. I am not ashamed to admit that I quite like the feeling of ripping them off and trashing them when I have completed each task, as well.
I made a colour and blackline version for you to print out if you would like to try this system as well. I am still using my planner and other tracking systems, but this is a good way to prioritise the nitty gritty.
Find it in Google Drive HERE
2. Home Office is Taking Shape.
My wonderful Dad is building me shelves in my new home office and today I finally got to house ALL my sketch books in one place. Eek!
3. Some things are meant to be
I was going through a ton of folders and papers to get my office organized and found all my reports from when I was a prac student. This one gave me a few goosebumps! My internship supervisor (in 2000) noted that one of my main strengths was preparing teaching resources and that she thought they were of a commercial quality! I can't remember reading that at the time, but it is fun to look back at and realise that perhaps my journey to where I am now was on the cards all along. I can say, that preparing resources in the year 2000 was very different to now. I vividly remember driving a half hour to use the only colour photocopier in my town.
4. Inspiration
Here is one I found this week that I thought was great!
5. While you are here
Please enter my TpT gift voucher giveaway - you will be in with a chance to win a $50 gift certificate!

Hop on over to Kacey's blog for more Five for Friday fun!