1. It is Friday.
I am 'especially' excited, because it is the Friday BEFORE school goes back for a brand new year.
I mean, isn't that just kick-you-in-the-crotch, spit-on-your-neck-fantastic?!
2. Prepping Games
Does any week in my life not contain printing and laminating? My girl is loving being allowed to assist with the laminator while she is off school. Here is a 'Make 10' game from my recent listed bundle of addition games.
3. The Hundred House
I made some printable worksheets that have been stuck inside my mind, and on my to-do list for a few years. These cuties will help your students became familiar with the number order and patterns on a 100 chart.
4. Chocolates
We finished the chocolate stash from Christmas. It has taken 6 weeks. I am now back on the detox.
5. Back to School
I have just a few days left of summer break and I am getting excited about a fresh new school year. I am working an additional day in the classroom this year, so I have lots to look forward to! I started going through my bookshelves today to gather all my 'school' themed books. I love reading these in the first few weeks of term. Do you have a favourite BTS read aloud? I would love to add some more to my collection.