Joyful Learning Through Math, Art & Play!

Rules for Pinning!

Free Penguin Activity Printable

My little learners have always been captivated with pinning activities, and my daughter is loving it at the moment too!

I just made this 'Penguin Love' pinning page for her, and would love to share it with you!

One thing that I love are 'visuals'. When I introduce new activities and procedures in my classrooms.

Visuals (posters, charts, anchor charts, pictorial sequence cards) help:
  • activities run smoothly 
  • effectively convey and explain rules and procedures
  • provide independence in students by giving them a feeling of security and confidence  
  • reduce the cognitive overload of too many verbal instructions
If I do not have 'visuals' ready made you can 
  • do a little role play
  • hand sketch an illustration/break down of steps

Another approach is to take photos. I use photos of positive and correct procedures to manage student behaviour, and keep them in the bottom drawer of my Core Drawers. 

Today, I made some visuals for "Pinning Rules". These have been on my to do list for a long time, and now that I find drawing pictures on the computer a lot easier - they have finally come to life!

These visuals will help you to have a discussion with your students about the way you want them to behave when using pins in the classroom. 

There are 4 main rules in my pinning activities.

  1. The sharp part of the pin ALWAYS points down. This is the case when you are holding it, using it, or putting it away. It never points out, or towards another person.
  2. We always sit to pin. Students must be sitting down to begin and complete their activity. 
  3. The pin goes in paper only. We do not poke our pin into ANYTHING else!
  4. Put your pin away. This is a very important one. Immediately after the pinning page is complete, the pin goes back in the tub. This will stop pins from ending up on the floor and in a shoe!

Remind your students how happy the children are in the posters. Tell them that they are happy because they are having fun, and at school, fun comes when you follow the rules and act safely!

I found these GIANT pokey pins this week!! SO in LOVE!

Head over to TpT now to find these posters. 

You can also grab the Penguin Love pinning page from our free Coloring Club pinning page library!

Find more fun pinning pages in our collection.

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