Joyful Learning Through Math, Art & Play!

30 December 2023

Cloud Craft - a display for the New Year

handwriting fluency practice patterns

Have your children do some handwriting fluency practice today. They can do
  • 2 rows of hops from left to right
  • 2 rows of forward and backward curls
  • 2 rows of the dive pattern
They can paint it too - practicing the movements again by going over their crayon or pencil lines.  

handwriting fluency practice patterns

After painting encourage them to cut it into a cloud shape for display with some hot air balloons! Here on this display I've used just one page from the 4 included in the New Year Craft to make it in less time. 

handwriting fluency practice patterns

Over in the Pond Coloring Club you can find a cloud craft if you'd like your learners to have a shape to trace. They can make two and paste them back-to-back. pop some cotton in the middle to make it soft and squishy. 

handwriting fluency practice patterns

handwriting fluency practice patterns

handwriting fluency practice patterns


3 in a Row Math Warm Up

Use the 0 to 100 number cards from my Math Kit for a quick warm up. The focus will be ordering 3 numbers. 

3 in a row math warm up

  • shuffle the number cards (all to 100, or just a selection - e.g. 1-30)
  • flip the first card
  • this number is the first in the sequence - tell students the number 
  • ask students to say the numbers (numeral identification) as you flip more and identify when you get the next in sequence (26)

kindergarten math warm up

  • keep flipping and saying numbers until you get 3 in a row
  • to finish give each of your students are small set of cards and ask them to put them in order from smallest to biggest while you gather your things for your mini math lesson etc
ordering numbers for counting

I hope your students have fun with numbers today!

27 December 2023

New Year Door Display

Refresh your classroom door, bulletin board or interactive attendance display with some soaring hot air balloons for the new year.

new year classroom door

The balloons are provided in two color options and each in three sizes. You can type your student names or write them on in pen. 

The message board is ready for you to insert your own uniques welcome message or classroom name. You could write or type:
  • welcome to our classroom
  • let's soar in 2024
  • the sky is the limit
  • soaring into 2024
  • soaring into school
door display for the new year

Having a display of student names is a lovely way to welcome your students to their classroom each day. Find this one and more in our growing collection

26 December 2023

Star Points Math Warm Up for Numbers to 5


numeral identification to 5

If you have the star cards from my Math Kit resource, here are some quick math warm up ideas for numeral identification.

Point and Say

  • make a pointer from a craft stick and sticker
  • point to numbers around the star in random order and have your children call the number

Point and Say 2 More

  • play as above and have children call the number that is 2 more

Star Cover

  • cover a number on the star and have your children tell you the missing number
  • increase the speed to make it more challenging as they progress

I hope you have fun with numbers and math play today! You can:


24 December 2023

Bear Pair Coloring Page

Do your children love to color, be creative and make things? Find these new pages in my Pond Coloring Club - I drew them recently and they're ready to print!

In premium club you can find:
  • a puppy who paints
  • some bears to match
  • a rhinoceros beetle to draw 
  • some lines to practice
  • a happy sunny beach for penguin and polar bear

As well, you'll find a shape snowman. Encourage your children to think about shapes and make a different design before they glue it together or make some more creations with pattern blocks.

If they love creating pictures with pattern blocks, these activity cards will help engage and support them.  

If you'd like to find more information about the Pond Coloring Club, pop over to the website and you're welcome to contact me with your questions. 

At this time of year, your children may also like:

22 December 2023

Fold a Santa

Paper folding is a wonderful fine motor activity and your children's work can  make beautiful classroom displays! If you have students new to folding, here is a Santa they can make with just 4 folds. 

Santa Paper Folding Craft

You'll need a square of paper to start.

Santa Craft

Fold it in half.

Christmas Craft

Fold one corner down and over the base for the beard.

Santa Craft

Fold the corners in from the sides.

Paper Folding Fine Motor Activities

Glue these folds down at the back.

Paper Folding Fine Motor Activities

Flip it over and decorate! Color a red hat, draw 5 circles - 2 eyes, 3 cheeks and a nose. Finish with a pom pom on top.

Santa Craft

If your children need more practice cutting circles, they may like to make a Christmas tree too! Just cut a long rectangle from green and then circles from scrap colored paper for decoration.

December Fine Motor Activities


20 December 2023

Missing Numbers Math Activity ideas

Support your kindergarten students in math by helping them learn to count forward beginning from a given number within 1-10 using my fun Numberpillar cards! They will write the missing number by counting forward and reviewing the number before and after. 

Here are two more ideas to use them:

Kindergarten Math Ideas

Addition Cards

  • have students find the total of the two numbers shown on the cards
  • use counters to further help 'counting on' and other addition strategies
Missing Number Caterpillar Activity Cards

Missing Number Warm Up

  • use as flashcards for a warm up or review
  • have students call the missing number to you instead of writing it

The cards are fast to prep - just print, laminate and cut. Use them with dry erase markers - here students will get valuable practice writing numerals. 
  • after using them in a guided-math situation, leave them in a bin or caddy for independent and free math play
  • be sure to have students clean them of dry-erase marker at the end of your math session so they are ready for the next day
  • use my Missing Number Snake Cards for numbers to 50
Math Ideas for Kindergarten

Have fun in math today! You may also like:


18 December 2023

Christmas Pudding Drawing

Christmas Pudding Art Project

Help your children draw a Christmas pudding with the lines they've been practicing for handwriting fluency. After drawing they can paint or color for a bulletin board or classroom display. 

Here are the steps to draw a Christmas Pudding:

Christmas Pudding Art project

To support your emerging writers and drawers you may also like my new Christmas Pudding tracing page pack. It includes 3 different project styles.
  • each page features simple lines to trace and master - circles, zig zags, curves
  • practice numbers 1-10 by counting the fruit
  • draw-more pages included which encourage students to draw as well as trace
Christmas Pudding Tracing Pages

I hope your students love drawing and being creative today! 


15 December 2023

Santa Name Craft

santa name craft for december

Have Santa visit your classroom with some happy and bright name crafts. Each student in your class can make their name for a class collaborative display.

I've included upper and lower case chunky-letter parts to add to one of 6 Santa options, including an Australian Santa with beach hat! 

december activties

santa name craft

These pieces can be printed on colored paper, or print them on white paper and have your students paint or color before assembling their craft.

Find all the templates ready to print, over in our TPT store.


13 December 2023

Little Winter Bird Art Project

winter bird drawing

Draw some sweet little birds for a creative winter art project. Once your students can scribble or sketch the basic shape they can draw more to create their own winter scene. 

Here are some simple steps to follow (or a printable page is available in our Pond Coloring Club - see base of this post).

Once drawn your children can color with crayon and then watercolor some extra detail too. Gently pull some cotton apart to glue and make a soft snow detail.

winter bird drawing

December art activities for kindergarten

December art activities for kindergarten

I hope your children enjoy their creative time today! After completing the art project:
  • ask them to describe their bird 
  • support their verbal description with additional adjectives etc
  • record some of the descriptive words as your students talk and discuss their art and make a class chart for a writing project to come back to on another day

Bird Directed Drawing

12 December 2023

One More Than Snowman Math Warm Ups

Here are 2 math warm up ideas to help your children practice the one more than strategy for beginning addition. You can use the snowman dot cards from my Math Kit resource or any dot cards you have. 

subitizing math warm up

Making Numbers

  • use the plain snowman as a number mat
  • students flip a card and make a number that is one more than the number shown
  • use counters, blocks, cubes or a dry erase marker

snowman math games

making numbers with snowmen

Flip to Find

  • turn one card over from a face-down pile
  • the aim is to find the number that is one more than this number
  • students keep flipping and saying numbers until the card is found
snowman one more than math warm up

I hope your children have fun with numbers and counting today! Find out more about the Math Kit and Math Warm Ups over on my website!


10 December 2023

Keep Reading on the Holidays

Encourage your children to keep a love of books over the holidays with an encouraging bookmark. 

They can color, fold and glue their bookmark to take home and keep track of their page and book count. 

Find it in the premium library of my Pond Coloring Club ready to print and decorate along with more creative and happy pages for hours of fun!

smiley coloring page


Crazy Christmas Trees

Christmas Tree Craft

If you're looking for a way to engage your children in an afternoon fine motor activity - this craft is ideal! The Crazy Christmas Tree has simple shapes to cut and it can be assembled independently. 

Christmas Tree Craft

Your children will enjoy using bright, happy crayons to first color and then  contribute to a vibrant classroom display.

Christmas Tree Craft

It's available to print right away from my TPT store - everything one child needs will fit on a single sheet of paper.

More options

  • leave the star off for a winter tree
  • leave the face off for a plain Christmas tree
  • let students press stickers, finger-paint or dab the dot decorations
Christmas Tree Craft


07 December 2023

Handwriting Fluency Practice and a Reindeer

Big paper and crayons are great for your children to use for their daily fluency practice and handwriting. You can turn some of them into drawings, backgrounds and art projects too.

reindeer art project

Here is reindeer to draw from some fluency practice patterns. 

daily handwriting practice

At this special time of year, your children may also like:


06 December 2023

Missing Number Snowman

Are your children learning to count forward from a given number? My Missing Number Snowmen activity cards will support them to count, count-on and write numbers. They will order of numbers, thinking about numbers before and after, next and before.

winter math activities

The set covers numbers up to 120. If you're working with kindergarten or PreK you could print a smaller set for students to work with - e.g. numbers to 20. 

writing numbers and counting to 120

After completing the cards, put them together to create a giant number line. This is a fun way to conclude your math learning and also review and extend the skills you've been practicing. Students can work together as a small group of learners to do this cooperatively - encourage math talk and discussion as they put the cards together. 

ordering numbers to 120

As well as writing numbers directly onto each card with a dry-erase marker, students can use them as task cards, writing on a mini-whiteboard or in their math journal. This can create a faster activity with less time cleaning the cards. 

math centers for december

Use the activity cards for a counting math warm up (with numbers written or not). Point to each number or snowball and have students count. 

math warm up winter

Here are some more ideas:

I hope you children have fun with numbers today. Find the snowmen ready for math fun over in my TPT store!

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