Are your children learning to count forward from a given number? My Missing Number Snowmen activity cards will support them to count, count-on and write numbers. They will order of numbers, thinking about numbers before and after, next and before.

The set covers numbers up to 120. If you're working with kindergarten or PreK you could print a smaller set for students to work with - e.g. numbers to 20.

After completing the cards, put them together to create a giant number line. This is a fun way to conclude your math learning and also review and extend the skills you've been practicing. Students can work together as a small group of learners to do this cooperatively - encourage math talk and discussion as they put the cards together.

As well as writing numbers directly onto each card with a dry-erase marker, students can use them as task cards, writing on a mini-whiteboard or in their math journal. This can create a faster activity with less time cleaning the cards.

Use the activity cards for a counting math warm up (with numbers written or not). Point to each number or snowball and have students count.

Here are some more ideas:
I hope you children have fun with numbers today. Find the snowmen ready for math fun over in my TPT store!