Joyful Learning Through Math, Art & Play!

18 April 2023

Spinning Trees and Cloud Breathing

earth month craft

Your children can make a spinning tree paper craft with our page in the Premium Coloring Club today! 

They can:
  • paint or color the 3 branches of leaves
  • paint or color the trunk
  • layer the leaves from biggest to smallest, securing with a split-pin

tree paper craft

They can extend their craft with some creative choices:
  • draw a different crayon pattern on each branch
  • fringe snip the edge for a 3D effect
  • draw some leaves
I hope you love this new craft!

kids craft april

In the last newsletter I shared with you a koala cloud screen wallpaper and gave you some steps to become more mindful of breathing with Cloud Breathing.

If you don't have the wallpaper, you can still do cloud breathing - use 6 of our free printable clouds and put them on display!

Cloud Breathing

As you run your finger along the line of 4 clouds, have students:
  • inhale in for 4 counts
  • then hold for 2 counts (you may want to tap your finger)
  • exhale for 4 counts, as you run your finger back along the 4
As well as becoming more mindful of their breathing, this is a good counting warm up for making ten too, (4-2-4 making 10 altogether). 

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