Joyful Learning Through Math, Art & Play!

30 December 2021

Counting On Addition with a Number Line

Make learning the counting on strategy for addition fun and engaging with our number line caterpillar activity cards! Just print and pop in a plastic sleeve or laminate and let your students get hands-on with dry erase markers.

Our Caterpillar Count-On activity includes 54 activity cards. Your learners will find the total for a range of addition problems from 10+10 to 19+1. All totals are 20 or less.

Each card features an addition problem and a count-on number line caterpillar for each student to use to solve the problem. Students draw additional bumps using a pen, to 'count on' to find the total.

This packet also includes a blackline printable worksheet - students can record the findings from some of their cards. I have also added a 'cover page' to help you sort and organize your resources.


12 December 2021

Christmas Tree Teaching Ideas

Here are 5 of my favorite Christmas Tree themed teaching resources or ideas! 

Christmas Tree Teaching Ideas

1. Christmas Tree Craft

This cute Christmas Tree Craft can be made as a stand alone for decorating a bulletin board or display in your classroom. Alternatively, combine it with a writing task using one of our included pages!

Chistmas Craft

2. Action Rhyme - Finger Play

A fun literacy experience can be implemented with our rhyming text. Use it as a modelled read, for word study, fine motor and behavior management. 

Tree Text for Christmas

3. Christmas Classroom Door

With our fast prep student name tags and message, your classroom will have a cosy, welcoming entrance for December. 

Christmas Classroom Door

4. Scissor Skills Craft

The templates for this craft have thick heavy edge lines and patterned internal lines to cut - perfect for developing scissor skills.

Each project can be copied on a single page so prep is minimal!
Tree Scissor Skills

5. End of Year Student Gift

Simply print these little poem trees out, laminate if you wish and attach to a fun-size box of Smarties. There is a little color based poem to commemorate a year of learning together.

End of Year Student Gift

I hope this list gives you some support during a busy time of year. Find even more tree ideas over on our website!


07 December 2021

Addition on a Number Line

 Help your little learners with addition and subtraction with hands-on number line games!

They will delight in helping the animals to leap, swim, fly or crawl up and down the number lines to solve each problem. 

number line addition

addition game

Ideal for a small group or an individual in independent learning time, our set of 4  games are fast to prep and will both engage your students and teach them a focused skill for math.

addition on a number line

They draw a card, move their counter to a start position and take another card to leap along the number line to model addition or subtraction. 

number line games

The pack originally had one animal theme - we added another 3 for the same price to give you extra variety! 

We know your students will love addition with these games.

If you need more ideas for addition, be sure to browse our category page!


03 December 2021

Learning 2D Shapes with Reindeer

Use our activity mats with play dough, markers or small equipment to combine a focused content area with creativity and fine motor. 

Our Reindeer 2D Shapes will help your students learn about shapes and encourage them to build fine motor skills and strength.

Students roll log shape dough and twist, size and shape them to create 2D shape reindeer faces! They can say the simple rhyme as they make it.

The set  includes 10 mats - square, circle, triangle, rectangle, pentagon, hexagon, octagon, rhombus, trapezoid and oval. 

A tracing worksheet is also included.

You may like to watch our reindeer shaped animated story too:

You can find activities and ideas to complement Shape Reindeer on the website!

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