Joyful Learning Through Math, Art & Play!

10 March 2017


dream big meme

So it was International Women's Day this week. Apparently.

I noticed all the memes and posts and stories and grams about girl power. Go girls. And all that.

It made me think of the strong inspirational women I have admired and who have guided me subtly through my life.

A lady I owe much to is my grandmother. She left a homeland she was deeply proud of to sail to the end of the earth to this country called Australia. Leaving the security of a large established, beautiful family steeped in tradition and culture to enter a ragged harsh country where she often encountered intolerance and disrespect. She started her whole life again, with very little, at the tail end of her life, with almost nothing.

She followed her husband to start a new life for her children. My most significant memory of her is sitting by her feet as she sat in her armchair in the corner of her house, at the end of a quiet street. A street not nearly a street good enough for her, in my opinion, but she would never have told you that. She sat and wrote. And wrote. And wrote. And wrote. To her family back home. Long lovely letters. Pages and pages. 

I am constantly in awe of her enormous courage, sacrifice and formidable quiet strength.

Despite the torments her new life threw at her, and the small naive closed minds that often surrounded her, she stood tall, gave her best and never let a nasty word leave her lips. She was a lady. I always thought she was the warm, soft gentle grandmother - now as a mother and adult, I only see her steely determination and unfailing strength.

Girls you don't need to race to the front, grab a pretty pink balloon and go where you want to - aim high, above all of them.

If you're in our Premium Coloring Club, I have turned this random sketch and meandering thoughts into a page for your little ones to color!

Dream big

- Mel x
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