Joyful Learning Through Math, Art & Play!

31 August 2014

Wattle Day

I am dropping in on this drab rainy Sunday to wish my Aussie friends a happy Wattle Day for tomorrow! 

Wattle is a native Australian plant, with the most beautiful bright yellow flowers. They are the cutest little round pom-pom like flowers!

Here is some wattle I found on my walk today.

It is also the first day of Spring tomorrow! Can I get a collective 'yay' for the end of the longest winter EVER! 

We celebrate Wattle Day in Australia on the 1st day of September. It is a little sad to say that we celebrate most things in Australia by forgetting about them, and a week later, saying something like 'oh yeah, it was Wattle Day last week, we forgot, no worries, we will do it next year'.

I had the BEST teachers back when I was in primary school, and Australian history and content was paramount. We went for regular bush walks to observe native flora and fauna. We recited Australian bush poetry, sang folk songs like 'Along the Road to Gundagai', we were encouraged to be proud Australians..... sign... good memories. 

I had a teacher that used to rock a hand knitted 'wattle' jumper - I think she also had some darling wattle droopy earrings. Oh, if only I had a photo. 

If you need some information about Wattle Day, head over to the Wattle Say Association website HERE

Here are a couple of activities that you can do in a K-2 classroom. If you are super keen, find a wattle tree and grab a sprig to wear to school. The kids will love it!

Make a wattle artwork. I have provided templates for you to do a 'paper craft' but you could easily modify this and use paint and a variety of mediums to make a more detailed artwork. 

And a simple comprehension. You can read the passage with your class, and then your students can answer the simple questions!

I like to copy the reading and response sheet on different coloured papers. It is easier for students that are just learning to do this sort of activity, to keep track of what they are doing.

Download these pages and templates from Google Drive HERE

Thank you for stopping by today! Have a great Sunday! I will be back later with some Small Group Number plans! 
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