Joyful Learning Through Math, Art & Play!

29 August 2014

Five for Friday

It is 5 for Friday, my friends. Prepare for the delicious randomness of it!

1. 100 Journal. I just purchased a new '100 Journal'. I am still deciding - another 100 scrappy kids, or 100 cupcake recipes. Oh the decisions. 

100 journal

2. Flat Mel arrived Down Under. 2 Super Teachers made a 'flat Mel' to take to Vegas for the TpT conference in July. An exciting looking package arrived on my doorstep this week, and I was thrilled to find 'Flat Mel' and a few other surprises. Seriously, could these ladies BE any sweeter? 

Thank you for thinking of me and including me in your trip girls - I cannot wait to meet you one day and give you a great big ol' hug! 

Here is a little frog friend that the girls sent me, that will sit by my computer from now on!

3. Another super-amazing friend, Stef sent these gorgeous froggy sticky memos to my daughter this week, for her blossoming 'journaling' hobby. 

They were VERY well received, with Little Miss 7 jumping around the house in excitement. 

4. Not sure how, but a few of them MAY have ended up in MY notebook. Not sure how, not sure why, not at all, but you know, I am just going to go with it, because everyone knows you CANNOT say 'no' to cute frogs, they are just going to do what they want to do. That is the rule. 

5. I had to say goodbye to someone this week. Someone great. I have thought all week about the reason for this person's 'greatness' and it is impossible to define or describe with words. 

He is great, because of what he does for others. The value he places on people. His greatness has very little to do with himself, and all about what he does for other people.

What I can say easily and unreservedly is that great people have a huge impact on the lives of other people. When you have a school full of children being influenced by someone great, well, it is magic. 

Irreplaceably magic.

Thank you so much for stopping by!

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