Joyful Learning Through Math, Art & Play!

04 June 2024

Part Part Puppy Math Addition Game

Part Part Whole Addition Game

Addition within 20 is a fundamental math skill that first graders need to master. They will be practicing a range of addition strategies as they develop this fluency. The strategies you may introduce and practice include:
  • counting on
  • making ten
  • decomposing a number leading to a ten
  • using the relationship between addition and subtraction
  • creating equivalent but easier or known sums
These Math Packs can help you provide activities for introducing these strategies:
Once you've taught ways to solve addition, you'll be providing time for your students to complete addition, where they can use the strategies to develop fluency and develop a mental bank of known facts. 

Here are 3 quick tips to help you teach addition practice:

1. Use manipulatives.

Manipulatives are physical objects that can be used to represent mathematical concepts. They can help first graders to visualize and understand addition problems. Some common manipulatives that can be used to teach addition within 20 include:
  • Blocks
  • Counters
  • Cuisenaire rods
  • Base-ten blocks
Provide these even after you've taught the strategies to support students if necessary. 

2. Use number lines.

Number lines can be used to help first graders to visualize and understand addition problems and guide them in many of the strategies they may choose to use. Encourage them however, not to fall back to counting by 1s.

3. Use games and activities.

Games and activities can be a fun and engaging way to review addition within 20. Some common games and activities that can be used to teach addition within 20 include:

Here is one you can play with cards from the Math Kit: Part Part Puppy

Addition Within 20

  • each student has a puppy house game mat and access to numeral cards
  • have students flip a card from one face-down pile of number cards (that includes 2 digit numbers) - and place it on the puppy house door
  • ask students to find 2 numbers from a face-up collection (that includes single digit numbers) to make the total shown on the door
  • encourage your students to check their total using a number line or hundred chart
Review addition within 20 using more games and activities regularly to make sure students are getting ample practice to develop fluency!
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