Joyful Learning Through Math, Art & Play!

24 May 2024

Cute Cow Craft

Moooove Over, ABCs! Cows Help Kindergarteners Learn the Letter C

In a pasture full of possibilities, let’s get our kindergarteners embarked on a moo-ving learning adventure with the help of some very special guests—cows!

You might be wondering, how on earth can cows teach kids the letter sound C? Well, let me tell you, it can be a barnyard full of fun and educational activities.
  • Start your week by reading some books about farms or by looking at pictures of herds of friendly cows. Talk about what they know about cows and other various cattle and record some new information from your books and online sources. Keep these as anchor charts for activities later in the week.
  • Practice writing the letter c
  • Do some handwriting movement practice - the loop, wave and dive pattern all help with writing c
  • Sing some songs or say some cow themed action rhymes
  • Have a Cow Coloring Corral or a Cowabunga Craft Time
Here your students can get creative by completing a craft. You’ll need just one sheet of paper per student and standard art supplies.



  • Color or paint the pieces on the One Page Craft page.
  • Cut out the pieces for the cow.
  • Use the picture guide to help glue the pieces together. 
The cow is now finished! You can use it to:
  • display on a class bulletin board
  • glue into a students alphabet book (make a scrapbook with each double page showing a craft and a facing page of letter writing practice)
cow craft

The cow is just one of 26 options in my Alphabet Animals One Page Craft pack! You can work your way through all of them over the year, or just select a few at a time for students to choose from in your writing center

Cow Informational Writing 

Use this craft experience to springboard into some writing. Use the anchor chart you made at the beginning of the week and encourage students to record some of the facts they found most interesting. 

Combine all the writing pages into a cow themed class book for everyone to read in the class library! 

cow writing
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