Joyful Learning Through Math, Art & Play!

24 April 2024

Make It Mouse

Here is one game from our Ten Frame Activities pack. Your learners will:
  • subitize numbers to ten on a ten frame
  • count objects
  • develop an understanding of the relationship between numbers and quantities; connect counting to cardinality
  • use a rectangular array to count 'how many'
ten frame games

How to play Make It Mouse

  • have a teacher set of ten frame flashcards and briefly show these to your group, giving them time to look at the number
  • decide if you'll ask your students to call the number right away, or remember it in their mind (depending on their math skills)
  • have your students re-create the number pattern after you've flipped the card back over - encouraging them to work from memory
  • check for accuracy by flipping the card back and letting students count again to check their pattern
counting on ten frames

For this game you can have your learners make each number with:
  • counters
  • cubes
  • play dough
  • connecting cubes (and then have them connect them)
  • hand drawn dots using a dry erase marker
ten activities in kindergarten

counting in frames

number sense

mouse math group activitie

Ten frames are a great way to help our little mathematicians learn to count and work with numbers. They are a visual representation of numbers, and they can be used to support their emerging work in addition, subtraction, comparing numbers, equal groups and more! 

These mouse cards are from a printable pack in my store that includes 300 options for games and activities in your math groups. There are 15 games with 20 different ten frame mat style - helping you make the repeated practice needed more engaging for your students each day! 

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