Joyful Learning Through Math, Art & Play!

02 January 2024

Counting and Cardinality Math Game

counting and cardinality math game

Have your children count birthday candles onto their cake game mat to practice counting with 1:1 correspondence and establishing the relationship between numbers and quantities; connect counting to cardinality.

They will roll a standard dice and count the candles. 
  • keep rolling and adding more candles to begin early addition concepts 
  • start with 20 on the cake and take each roll off, establishing and understanding of the take-away concept for subtraction
  • have students play in pairs and ask them to compare numbers - lining up the candles if needed for direct comparison of numbers (who has most/least - which number is bigger/smaller)
counting. games

comparing numbers after counting

This game is in my Numbers to 10 Ultimate Pack and includes a math craft too!
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