Joyful Learning Through Math, Art & Play!

10 August 2023

Race to 10 and Making 10 Math Warm Ups

Here are 2 math warm ups you can use with a small group of students at your guided math table! They will explore numbers and counting as they move a teddy (or similar) counter on a counting card. I've used counting cards to 10, you can adapt the ideas with larger or smaller numbers if needed. 

making ten math warm up

Making 10

  • place 2 cards side by side
  • use one card to move teddy along the path, the other to keep a record of the numbers rolled
  • to play, roll a 1-3 dice (123 Happy Dice from our Pond Coloring Club is ideal)
  • move teddy along the track and put counters down to match after each roll
  • after teddy reaches the end of the path stduents can record the numbers rolled to make 10 - e.g. 2+3+1+2+2 (optional)

race to 10 math warm up

Race to 10

  • 2 students play together
  • take turns to roll the die and move teddy along his path
  • the first teddy to reach the end of the path is the winner

math games for kindergarten

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