Joyful Learning Through Math, Art & Play!

25 July 2023

Adding 1, 2 or 3

addition fluency

To help students achieve fluency with addition you can give them lots of practice adding 1, 2 or 3. To begin with you may see them counting to find the total.

Here is math warm up to give your small group another opportunity to add 1, 2 or 3 to numbers 1-6.

You'll need:

  • standard 6 sided dice (use a numeral dice if you'd like to make it more challenging )
  • 1-3 dice (we're using the 1-2-3 Happy Dice (from Premium Pond Coloring Club)
  • ten frames (we're using the dinosaur ten frames from our Math Kit)

adding 1 2 and 3

  • students roll both dice and combine these numbers on the ten frame
  • observe your students and notice when they do not need the frame for counting the total - perhaps extend these students by using larger dice and 2 dinosaurs (add within 20) 

addition fluency

An option is to have students record their work on a whiteboard or in their math journal. 

addition kindergarten

Further your math warm up by talking with your students about the numbers they are working with. You could:
  • ask them to tell you how many more to make 10 - and have them count-on to demonstrate
  • provide them another dinosaur and ask them to make the number in an alternative arrangement 
  • challenge them to demonstrate how their addition can be inversely linked with a subtraction by taking one of the addends away - e.g. in the photo below they would model 6-5=1 or 6-1=5 
count up to 10

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