Joyful Learning Through Math, Art & Play!

03 March 2023

Find the Time Ladybug

Here is a fun math warm up you can play to help students with time on a clock. I've used the clocks from my Ladybug Clock Display, printed at 70%. I'm using the hour clocks. The half hour clocks would be suitable too.

Find the Time Ladybug

  • have the clocks face-up on your small-group table
  • call a time - e.g. 2 o'clock
  • students race to find it and claim it (just reach out and take the bug)
  • keep it fast-paced and focused on instant recognition
  • play several times so all students have the opportunity to feel successful
  • once all the ladybugs have been claimed, have the students order the times in order from 12 to 11 o clock

As well:

  • talk about the hands on the clock
  • demonstrate making the times with a toy or math clock
  • print 2 sets and play memory-match (flip over, take 2, say times, if a match - keep)
  • call a time and have students show the matching number of bug legs (fingers) from their little bug (their hand)

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