Joyful Learning Through Math, Art & Play!

13 March 2023

Equal Groups with Mouse

Warm up for math with repeated addition! Use the mice pictures from this recent post and get a dice and 12 counters. 

Your students will be:

  • making equal groups of 2
  • practicing repeated addition
  • finding the total of equal groups
  • beginning to explore skip counting

Students roll a dice and gather a matching number of mice.

They then add 2 counters to each (as ears) and find the total. 

Encourage them to describe their action - 2 mice with 2 ears makes 4 ears altogether. This is important. Make it verbal - as a warm up you want as much play as possible and recording on paper can come later in your main lesson. 

3 mice with 2 ears makes 6 ears altogether. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. To begin to skip count have them say the second number a little louder on each count. 

I hope you have fun with math today!

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