Joyful Learning Through Math, Art & Play!

01 February 2023

Robot Loves to Skip Count

Review a skip counting pattern and create a fun math display for Valentine's Day or February with our robot who loves to skip count!

Students will glue or draw hearts to show the repeated addition and record a sequence of numerals to show the pattern.

Students could:
  • draw the hearts or dots in each section for their pattern
  • write numbers for a pattern
  • glue or stick hearts on to show the pattern
math craft for valentines day

A recording page has been included too - this is optional! 

skip counting math craft

Provided is a robot with 6 sections or 9 sections to choose from.

count by 2s math craft

Your students may like to paint, color or crayon their robot!

valentines day math activiti

Find this fun activity for Valentine's Day - or anytime through the year - over in my TPT store!

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