Joyful Learning Through Math, Art & Play!

10 February 2023

Panda and Puppy Play

Addition to 8

If you get our newsletter you will have seen this cute panda friend in your inbox this week (it's still available - see base of this post). 

Students will become fluent with numbers and work with combinations that make 8.

Panda Plays

  • cover the board with dice - randomly (or use the mat that has dots printed)
  • stduents take turns to remove dice that make 8 - e.g. 5-3, 4-4, 5-2-1
  • the player who is last able to find a combination may be declared the winner

Addition to 8

Use the option with printed dots with coloring pencils. Students can color the squares that make 8 on their turn. 

Addition to 8

Following on from that activity, you can have students use the More Puppies page from our Pond Coloring Club today!

Before coloring they can
  • add more detail pattern to the ears
  • play this making-8 review game:

Puppy Paws

  • roll 2 dice on your turn
  • when you make 8, find 2 circles on the page and turn them into 'paws' by drawing 4 extra circles on each
  • talk about how 2 groups of 4 make 8 and that this is an equal number to the pair they rolled (eg. 5 and 3)
Addition to 8

If you're not yet in the Pond Coloring Club, we'd love to have you! 

Puppy Coloring Page

If you're students love puppies, their pets as well as fun in math - help them review combinations to 10 with our new math craft! It's ready over in our TPT store and includes 3 different activity styles to help you make them in the time you have available. 

Making 10 Math Craft

I hope your learners have fun in math today and if you love they love teh panda game, there is more fun to be had with 19 other fun game mats:

addition with dice

If you didn't see panda in your inbox - get him now:

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