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14 November 2022

Double Letter Endings - 5 Picture Books to Read

If you have a focus on double letter endings in words in your reading or writing program you may like to choose a book to complement your study for shared reading time. 

As you talk about the front cover and title you may ask your students if they notice what is happening with the letters in a focus word of the title - e.g. this story is called The Emperor's Egg. Let's look at the word egg. What can you see happening with the letters? That's right, 2 letter g's are making one sound - g

Here are 5 books I have today that would be great for double letter endings!

The Emperor's Egg by Martin Jenkins - gg

Books For Double Letter Endings

Mr Huff by Anna Walker - ff

Books For Double Letter Endings

Choo Choo Clickety-Clack by Margaret Mayo - ck

Books For Double Letter Endings

The Sweetest Egg of All by Helen Milroy - gg

Books For Double Letter Endings

The Tall Man and the Small Mouse - by Mara Bergman - ll

Books For Double Letter Endings

You could also:
  • ask students to look and listen throughout the story for more words that feature double letter endings
  • leave the books in the classroom library with a magnifying glass (for fun) ready for students to search for all the double letter endings and more
  • learn the action rhyme Rabbit with a mini lesson on double letters
If you love building sound and word walls in your classroom to help create a literacy-focused space, our new word wall pack for double letter endings will engage your students and provide for endless games, activities and word play!

double letter endings

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