Joyful Learning Through Math, Art & Play!

07 June 2022

Playful Puppy Wallpaper

I love making screen wallpapers and sharing them with you! 

In the past I have shared them here on the blog and also over on the website. Some, in Pond Update newsletters. There are also some available in our store.

From now I will be sharing some with you by email. If you've loved my wallpapers in the past, I am sure you'll love more - so I warmly invite you to join the list. 

If you were on the Wallpaper Warm Up experience for 6 weeks recently, I've got you already so you don't have to re-join! 

Please know that along with the freebies I share with you, I will also offer you ideas, teaching tips and news of items for sale in my store. 

As always, you can remove yourself from the newsletter list at any time!

When you sign up to the wallpaper newsletter here on this blog post you will receive my latest Playful Puppies design as a gift from me!

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