Joyful Learning Through Math, Art & Play!

29 April 2022

Fact Robot Craft - Addition and Subtraction Facts

robot math craft

In the free coloring club library we have a triangle-robot fact-family craft for your little learners. Use it after teaching your students about addition or multiplication fact families! 

They can
  • record the operation/s on the robot's button
  • create a fact family with 3 numbers and record them in the circles
  • write the matching related facts on a whiteboard, on paper or in their math journal
triangle addition and subtraction fact family

Create a class display of robot facts so students learn from each other!

We also have a new digital activity that can be easily distributed to students via Easel by TpT over in our store. It is perfect for reviewing related addition and subtraction facts with numbers up to 20.

digital math for first grade

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