Joyful Learning Through Math, Art & Play!

04 February 2022

1, 2 or 3 More Addition Concept

With our new math craft - Little Number House, your students can record some different ways to represent their chosen number. They write the number on the house and then record some different representations in the windows and on the door. Perhaps:
  • the number word
  • the dot pattern
  • a picture
You can also create a number line like this one to use in counting games and activities. 

In the coordinating counting rhyme, On the door, your learners will be listening for a number. You will knock 4 times for example and they will identify it as a count of four. To extend this and make it more challenging, you could ask them to listen to the count and tell you the number that is one, two or three more. Show them your number street and demonstrate how we think about the house 1, 2 or 3 more along the number line. 

Adding 1, 2 or 3 more is an essential early addition skill. Here is another game - called 21. 

Math Game: 21 

You need:

 tub of counters per pair of players

To play:

  • students play in pairs
  • one counter is placed between the players
  • students take turns to add 1, 2 or 3 to the pile (they choose what number to add)
  • the player who makes the pile 21 or more, has lost the game
During this game, encourage students to keep a running tally of the total. Adding 1, 2 or 3 to a number quickly is an essential early addition skill.

You can make some quick changes to this game to differentiate, using place value blocks for example and asking students to add to 100.

After the game, ask them to take 21 counters themselves to their desk and record in their math journal or on a whiteboard a set of numbers that they add to get to 21. Could they record with pictures, symbols or numbers?

We hope your learners love this minimal prep game packed full of math concept building opportunity! You can find more ideas for integrating with The Little Number Houses through the website page too!
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