Joyful Learning Through Math, Art & Play!

13 October 2021

How Many Days - Counting Charts

Have you seen our counting chart - you can use it for daily counting or to record how many days in school. 

counting days at school

It is fast to make and looks wonderful on your focus board or classroom wall.

Counting to 100 to Counting to 200 in increments of 10 are included
simply print, trim and glue the pages into position

A blackline version is included also that could be printed on bright paper to save ink!

counting days at school

how many days at school

Extra Ideas

Coloring Chart

Use the blackline version and have students color a number each day. Alternatively, you can print the pages smaller and make mini-books for students to color individually. Or you make like this ready-to-go sticker book.

counting to 100

Guess the number

Each morning, pop a sticky note on a few numbers to cover them up. 
  • have students tell you the missing number
  • count from 1 to the covered number
  • count backwards from 100 to the covered number
  • have students provide clues for the missing number - e.g. its one less than 29
number games in kindergarten

Create a flip book 

Laminate the grids and punch a hole in the top left corner. Put them on a ring. Students can flip through the cards when counting or solving problems. 
counting to 150

ten frame counting

Matching Game

Use the blackline page as a game mat.
Cut up a colored board to make number tiles and use them as puzzle pieces for a matching game. 

matching numbers

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