Joyful Learning Through Math, Art & Play!

24 March 2021

Rabbit Finger Play

Have you enjoyed the free printable finger plays I have offered you recently? I love making them and have created one for you today especially for spring or Easter - it's called Rabbit!

Rabbit FInger Play

We love finger plays in the early childhood classroom! They help you provide:
  • a short engaging text that students can participate actively in
  • a literacy experience - students can point or follow along with the text and demonstrate pre-reading skills
  • a language experience - students are exposed to topic vocabulary and rhyme
  • an integration of listening, language and literacy
  • a re-focus opportunity and a joint experience that will help build classroom community
  • fine motor and movement
  • a fun transition between longer lessons
This finger play is mostly focussed on rabbit's face and has simple actions that complement each part. It concludes with students rolling their hands in a ball and placing them snuggly in their lap - perfect for behavior management. 

Bunny Finger Play

Project it onto your classroom electronic board to use it as a literacy or reading activity. As you collect more of our finger plays you can add them together in a folder and let your students read them in the classroom library.

A blackline version is included for you too. Have students color it and take it home to share with their families. This makes a great literacy link between home and school. 

Find our new free finger play (in one page and multiple page versions) over in our store

Find more rabbit and Easter Bunny teaching ideas over on our website page.

Bunny Teaching Ideas

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