Joyful Learning Through Math, Art & Play!

04 February 2021

Addition Cars

Use these fun Pack the Car activity mats to engage your students in hands-on, fun and engaging activities for addition. They can be used with play dough, dry erase markers or math equipment. 

Your learners can explore

  • part-part-whole
  • missing addend
  • counting-on
Here are a few ideas for using them:

Use with counters

  • students add counters into the window to make the total

addition mats

Use bears - or hippos!

  • a playful variation is for students to use themed math manipulatives for counting
  • integrate this with a literature focus and read a story or do some writing around a theme that will link to this math activity
kindergarten addition

Fine motor fun

  • use play dough and ask students to roll little balls to add to each car - integrating some fine motor into the activity
add more to make


  • let students draw the extra dots (or write the numeral) after you have laminated the cards or put them into a plastic sleeve

part part whole

Whole class

  • use the cards as a math warm up
  • take a few and put them on your board for focus (easel or electronic from the pdf file)
  • students sit in front of the board and you guide them through adding more to the car to make the total 
  • count as a whole class and ask one child to come forward to model it with magnets or the board pen
missing addend addition
  • during the whole class warm up, students could each have a little whiteboard and record the extra dots as you count - scaffolding them through the count-on process
  • for example, you say 
let's make 8, we have 5 already, let's say and draw 5, 6, 7, 8 - how many did we draw - we drew 3 - 5 and 3 make 8
warm up math

We hope your little mathematicians have fun packing the car for a wonderful adventure!

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