Joyful Learning Through Math, Art & Play!

06 September 2020

Counting to 10

counting to ten

Learning to count sets of objects is essential for our kindergarten and preschool friends. Providing practice with real objects - counters, tokens and place value blocks should always be central to your lessons and activities. 

Our new collection of fast prep worksheets will help you take a practical step towards helping your learners develop a more abstract understanding of numbers and counting - seeing groups of objects represented pictorially and recording the total with a numeral.

Students will:

  • count each set of pictures
  • tap or color each picture as they count to show 1:1 correspondence 
  • determine the total of the set - recognizing that the last number they say represents the quantity of the set
  • match the number name to a numeral - e.g. if they say four, they identify 4
  • color the number circle in to demonstrate their counting or write the numeral
counting book


  • work book cover 'My counting book'
  • 10 activity pages where students count and locate the number to color
  • the same 10 activity pages, with space included for students to write the numeral instead of coloring it

numbers to 10

Our designs are perfect for early years learners, they are:

  • clear, consistent and uncluttered
  • feature an engaging balance of visual appeal and essential skills
  • fast to prep
learning to count sets of objects

Create a counting work book

Staple the cover we have provided onto a selection of pages to create a work booklet for your students. A work book helps you set up an independednt routine for stduents. For example, each morning of the week you can teach them to collect their book, take a seat at their desk and complete one page. Encourage them to color the pictures in after their counting - this will provide for essesional fine motor skills and help create stamina in their work habits too.

counting 1 to 10

This new pack of worksheets is over in our TpT store today.

count how many worksheets from the pond

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