Joyful Learning Through Math, Art & Play!

02 September 2020

Apple and Worm Finger Play

Apple Finger Play Action Rhyme
Apple Crunch is a new action finger play I have written for you! I love finger plays for preschool and kindergarten because:
  • children are instantly engaged
  • they encourage communication skills - looking at the teacher speaking, listening, speaking, participating with the group
  • they integrate language and vocabulary skills
  • they can be extended into reading and writing activities
  • they help with classroom behavior management
  • they settle and refocus busy learners
  • they help to transition students from one activity to the next with a little active brain break
  • students can integrate movement, language and communication

Blackline version

  • print this as a take-home activity
  • encourage students to 'read' it to their family
  • students can color the picture
Apple Printable Finger Play
Find a printable copy of the finger play at the bottom of this post!

Apple and Worm Craft

  • over in our TpT store you can find a printable apple paper craft to accompany this finger play too
  • 3 versions - complete, one page and traditional template format are included
Apple Craft
  • our printable paper crafts often come with writing paper so you can extend learning into a literacy activity
  • students can write a story about a worm and apple
  • students can write their own poem, action play or verse about an apple and worm
Apple Craftivity
  • the craft has simple clear lines to cut for early scissor practice and practical assembly
Apple Craft

Find it over in our TPT store: Apple and Worm Craft

Apple Coloring Page

If you are a member of our Premium Coloring Club you may have noticed a fun coloring page added to the library last week - this one would be perfect to use alongside the finger play.

Apple Crunch by Mel Lloyd

We would love to share a printable poster page of this new finger rhyme with you today, you can print it to help your class learn the words, or project it onto your digital learning tool. Students can track the words as they learn the rhyme and practice lots of early reading skills!

Find it in google drive here: Free printable Apple Crunch Finger Play printable

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