Joyful Learning Through Math, Art & Play!

26 March 2020


Make multiplication fun and engaging with Egg Arrays! Laminate these fun activity cards to provide a motivating learning experience for your students with play dough and rhyme!

  • roll small play dough balls on the desk
  • flatten them and gently pinch them into egg shapes
  • say the simple rhyme (optional)
  • roll 2 dice to create an array from 1x1 up to 6x6
  • alternatively a 12x12 grid is also provided to be used with 12 sided dice

Students can record their multiplication on the worksheet is desired.

This activity is encouraging many dough skills that will help your students fine motor strength.

This packet includes 
  • 4 mats
  • blackline mat
  • 2 accompanying recording worksheets
You can also use these mats with dry erase markers or math equipment like counters, buttons or small tokens.
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