Joyful Learning Through Math, Art & Play!

02 December 2019

Numbers Before and After

Ordering numbers is an essential early math skill. An ordered sequence of numbers is the basis of our number system. 

Play some games and provide opportunities for your little ones to develop a deep and clear ability to place quantities in order of increasing (or decreasing) size. Make sure your little ones can:
  • make groups of numbers that are 'bigger' or 'smaller' than other sets you have made
  • tell you 'one more', 'one less', 'ten more', 'ten less'
  • confidently order numbers in sequence 1-10
Our Math Pack 7 helps you teach the ordering numbers to 10, if you need to support learning working at an emergent level. We've recently created 2 new math centers for students working confidently with big numbers.

Learning numbers 'before and after' can be fun and practical with our new math activity cards! We have a set for 2 digit numbers and 3 digit numbers!

Students write with a dry-erase marker, the number before and after the featured number on the card.

Included in the packs are:
  • activity cards
  • activity instructions
  • a recording worksheet and
  • resource folder cover page
Simply print, laminate and snip the cards to have your math center, group or worksheet activity up and going in no time.

Find both sets in our TpT store by clicking on the images below:

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