Joyful Learning Through Math, Art & Play!

10 June 2019

Place Value Dominos

Make learning partitioned tens and ones to 99 in place value, fun and engaging with this easy-to-prep math game activity!

Students will identify pictures of tens and ones to match with 2 digit numbers up to 99.

We have a 3 day weekend here and had a family game of dominos - Sam is always asking to play games that involve numbers!

Here are a few tips I found whilst playing the game. 
  1. After about 10 turns each, we modified the game to 'free for all'. Meaning, anyone could put any card down whenever they found a match.
  2. It took the kids a good 10 minutes to reach deep engagement. They wanted to switch the TV on. We persisted. They got hooked, eventually!
  3. Half way through the game, I noticed Sam start to become more flexible in his thinking. If he needed a 22, he would notice that a 32 was one ten too many and say things like 'oh, that had an extra ten'. Here I could see that he was developing some great place value awareness and beginning the foundations for skip counting by place value.
  4. Make sure you have a large playing space.
  5. Having a space for each player to spread his/her cards out makes it easier to locate cards. 

If you have students who find this too easy, differentiate and have them use the cards differently.  Ask them to take a whiteboard or scrap of paper and record some subtraction facts from each card. For example, they may pick up a card with 63 and 12 on it. They then find the difference and record 63-12=51, and so on. 

If you would like to purchase this printable game, it is over in our TpT store

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