Joyful Learning Through Math, Art & Play!

03 June 2019

Fish Array Fun

Learning to visualize numbers in rows of equal numbers takes a lot of repetition. Once students can do this they become confident solving multiplication and division problems.

Providing plenty of opportunities to create and interpret these arrays will make sure students are confident with arrays. 

Give them opportunities to 
  • recognize arrays
  • talk about and discuss arrays
  • copy, complete and create arrays
  • play with arrays
  • use arrays to solve problems
One fun way to incorporate a beginning awareness of arrays is to integrate the creation of an array with a creative craft activity. We have a template for a fish array or you could ask your students to make their own creation!

Students will be able to create their own array or use one of the grid templates provided. 

Please note that the grids are all squares, so the arrays are equal proportions - 2x2, 3x3, 4x4, 5x5 etc. On the blank template, students can make any array they desire.  

Hop over to TpT to find this new mathtivity in our collection.

PLay Array Games

A simple game to play with students is to have them roll 2 dice and use counters to create an array with the numbers. For example, if a 6 and 3 are rolled, they can make an array of six rows of 3 counters, or vice versa. 

Easy prep worksheet array game

We've just made a pack of fun game style interactive games that you can prep in a flash! The 10 'Play on the Page' worksheet games, will fully engage your students and help them learn to recognize and interpret arrays for multiplication.

Again, use 2 dice to create an array (e.g. if 4 and 5 are rolled, visualize an array with 4 rows of 5 dots). Students locate and shade the array with a pencil on the game mat.

The games have a fish and fish bowl theme. Arrays featured include all possible with 2 standard six sided dice - 1x1 to 6x6

Each student uses a different color pencil.

Students can record their arrays on a recording sheet. 

Find this new pack over at TpT too!

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