Joyful Learning Through Math, Art & Play!

15 January 2019

Rainbow Coloring Page

Rainbow coloring Page

On the weekend I spent some time doing free creative art with my children. We gave some new 'watercolor crayons' a try and to start just did some big bold lines to explore the new pens. A rainbow developed of course, amongst other things. This is how one of our projects turned out. The color from the watercolor crayons was luscious to say the least. We are now obsessed with them!

I took a bit of time to make a similar coloring page - for you! Did you know we have a Coloring Club? It is a simple way for me to share these pages with you. Just sign up and you're in. By signing up you will also be added to our email newsletter. Part of the newsletter (they come out every other week) includes an update on the products I have for sale. Just mentioning this so you have the full nitty gritty.

If you don't want to be on the email newsletter, it is super easy to unsubscribe!

It is free to join the club if you have not already done so, sign up today and get this lovely rainbow page and all the past and future pages I will make! Yippee! 
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