Joyful Learning Through Math, Art & Play!

08 January 2018

'All About Me' Classroom Banner Activity

Looking for a great way for your students to express the themes in a 'Look at Me' or 'All About Me' unit in a creative way - with a little math thrown in for good measure?

Make a classroom banner with each pennant showing 'data' about each individual student. Students use the glyph question sheet to color their individual pennant in a particular way. 

There are 4 designs to choose from and one plain for you to design your own.

Students can look at the class pennants once all displayed and do the glyph analysis to draw some conclusions and comparisons. They will need to look at the colors that have been used to determine the answers.

This activity is perfect for 'back to school' or any time of the year you would like to bring your class together as a community. 

Thanks so much for stopping by the blog - have a wonderful day!

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