Joyful Learning Through Math, Art & Play!

12 December 2017

Activities for Telling Time

time to the hour in kindergarten

Math Pack 16 is all finished and ready for you.  I thought I'd show you the activities up close.

As usual the pack contains 5 activities that you could do one per day in a workshop style of have them all operating in a rotation style program for the week - student groups completing one per day. 

They have been designed for your learners to develop a beginning awareness of time, and to look at time to the hour. 

Learning Days of the Week

In the game Week Walk, students will identify yesterday, today and tomorrow, and will put the days of the week in the correct order. For your littlest learners you might want to start by placing the today card down ready for them.

days of the week

Long Time and Short Time

How Long asks your students to sort events or scenarios into 'long time' or 'short time'. This concept can get tricky because depending on your student's individual perspective, a long time and a short time can be quite varied. To assist with this, I've come up with some scenarios that you can directly compare.  For example: building a sandcastle versus filling a bucket of sand. If scenarios are related in some way they can be more really sorted.

short and long time

Telling Time to the Hour

Monster Clock gives you the opportunity to introduce the clock face and telling time to the hour.

time to the hour games

Matching Clocks with Work Times and Digital

For Timebot, students will match clocks with number and word times to complete their robot game card.

digital time

Analog Time

 Flower Time will  have students arrange clock hands to match a written times on the hour.   

hour times

All of these activities come with a printable worksheets which allow students to have a record of their learning.

It's such a pleasure to make math activities. I really really love creating them, and thinking about how students can learn the concepts in a fun way.
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