Joyful Learning Through Math, Art & Play!

03 October 2017

What's on our bookshelf this week?

I shared over on Instagram last week our new addition to the home office - a little reading and writing focus shelf/bench/storage unit. I do some creative work in this office and my children join me at times - especially Sam, who is 5. This little activity center gives him some 'work' to do, as he is often eager to be busy like his mother!

It was also my little way of being able to subtly influence and guide him into some new choices to see if they would spur new interests, play and language. He is rather partial to trucks, cars and lego as themes for his play and also book selection.

I am selecting a small selection of titles from our larger home library to display on this shelf. We started last week and it is working so far. Sam is excited to sit and 'read' these 'special' books.

I have just set up the titles for this week today, so we have not read them yet. Here are the books I have selected and the main reasons why:

1. Flora and the Flamingo by Molly Idle

A story with no words so we can talk and create our own details. I thought this might be a nice way of showing Sam the importance of the pictures and to make sure he is really taking notice of them to guide his understanding.

2. The Scarecrows' Wedding by Julia Donaldson

There has been a lot of chatter about weddings and marriage here in Australia over the last months. Sam is too young to have a detailed discussion or understanding of the issues, but reading this book might create an opportunity for him to ask any questions he has about what he might have heard. And anything with the words 'Julia Donaldson' on the cover, I buy immediately!

3. Unlikely Friendships in Nature by Linh Dao

We purchased this little beauty at the Australian Geographic last week and have not finished exploring it. It certainly opens up new ways of looking at the world.

4. Easy to Read: Slithering Snakes

A beginning reader - simple words and sentences that might encourage Sam to see that reading is something he can start to learn. Snakes are also topical in Australia at the moment so it will give me a chance to have a casual chat about safety.

5. Bright Yellow Flower by Judith Hoffman Corwin

It is spring here. Sam's sister tends to her daffodil daily, so it connects with his life and will be a good book for making connections.

6. I Spy a School Bus by Jean Marcello

Sam is LOVING the I Spy books (as his sister did) and I chose the school themed one as starting school is something we are preparing Sam for over the next few months.

7. Goodnight Moon by Margaret Wise Brown

A beautiful classic that will give me the chance to explore rhyming words in a natural and meaningful way with Sam.

8. Wombat Goes to School by Jackie French

Starting school is something we are preparing Sam for over the next few months and a few 'school' themed books will help me create opportunities for him to talk to me about it and ask questions in a secure and familiar way (he loves chatting about books and stories).

9. Froggy Goes to School by Jonathan London

Sam loves the 'Froggy' books.

10. We're Going on a Picnic by Pat Hutchins

This is not something Sam would naturally select on his own, so I am hoping it is something new for him that he will enjoy and might spark an interest in animal stories.

11. Goodnight, Goodnight Construction Site

A very well read favourite. Sam may start to 'read' this on his own as he is so familiar with the story, this will encourage confidence is his reading ability and help him become comfortable attempting to read bookish the future.

If you love learning with books as much as I do - pop back through some of my past posts to find some new titles, ideas and free resources.

Thanks so much for stopping by today, I look forward to sharing with you some of the activities and ideas that stemmed from our reading!

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