Joyful Learning Through Math, Art & Play!

11 September 2017

Easy Apple Paper Craft

We make a super cute paper craft apple today. Sam needed help with the directions - but it was a great early-folding-technique project for him with just a few steps to follow. Folded paper projects are great because they yield more original creations from the children and over time they can become more confident in creating their own designs. 

They do require a lot of directional language and listening skills - folding can also be a tricky skill for little hands - so be sure to prep by: 

  • -doing several modelled examples prior to hading student their equipment
  • keeping language simple
  • providing adequate time and materials so you do not become frustrated by the students need for assistance or 'mistakes'

To make the apple we used a share of red Brennex (thin craft paper) and scraps of brown, green and white copy paper. We also used scissors and glue.

1. Start with the red square. Fold corner to corner and create a small cross in the center to locate the middle. 

2. Fold 2 opposite corners into the center point and secure with a dab of glue.

3. Fold the other corners toward the center but stop at a 90 degree angle (tell the little ones to 'make a straight line' or similar simple language). 

4. Cut a leaf and stem from your paper scrap supply. 

5. Glue the leaf and stem behind the apple top. 

Optional: Use white paper scraps to make eyes and a sharpie to add extra detail! 

Find more apple ideas for the classroom here on my blog

Happy paper folding!

- Mel x

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