Joyful Learning Through Math, Art & Play!

19 June 2017

Strawberry Paper Kids Craft Free Download

Hi friends!

Each day this week I will have a little 'goody' for you - a giveaway, freebie, sale or idea!

Today's treat is right HERE on my blog - a free printable strawberry 'one page craft'. This craft is a special edition and not included in the bundle that is on sale in my TpT store

One page crafts are easy to prep and implement in the classroom as you just need one piece of paper per child. 

You can get them to colour, paint or crayon their picture and add additional crafty decorations if desired (think sequins, pom poms, google eyes etc)

I've also included writing papers so you can follow up the creative experience with some literacy.

I hope your sweeties enjoy this activity!

If you missed yesterday's goody, be sure to click on the Sunday button to find a fun fresh and fruity screen wallpaper!

If you like this easy strawberry kids craft activity, you may be keen to see my newly listed growing bundle of 'one page crafts'. The price will go up with each new addition, so if you are keen to buy in early - head over to my TpT store today!

Seriously, you can never have too many ways to explore creativity. 

Have a wonderful day friends, thank you so much for stopping by.

- Mel x

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