Joyful Learning Through Math, Art & Play!

27 December 2016

Penguin Poster + Coloring Page FREEBIE

I told my family I was tidying the house while they played cricket outside in the thick humid heat today. 

I DID tidy most of the house and then stopped to do a quick sketch. As you do.

A few hours later I am here with a free download. How do a few hours always feel like minutes to me?

Anyhow - if you have no idea what I am talking about, you may like to hop over to Instagram and follow the little stories from my profile page today (I think you have to be on your phone). If you did sit through them, bless your heart. 

Here is a printable poster page I created and it has a backline version for your sweeties to color in!

Find it in Google Drive HERE

Have a lovely day - I am off to fuss over the family now ;) 

- Mel xx
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