Joyful Learning Through Math, Art & Play!

17 December 2016

Five for Friday

take 5 on friday

5 for Friday is on vacation, but surprisingly, I was somewhat prepared this week - so here we go.... 5 random happenings from my week!

made us super excited and happy for more Christmas preparations in my house!

2. This is the Box Car
My 4 year old eagerly anticipates seeing this every Saturday at swimming school. Fascinates him. Every. Week. Without. Fail. 
I took a photo so I can tuck it away on my phone and drag it out next time I need an hour of silence. 
Not even kidding. 
Boys .......... 

3. This nifty little paragraph 
resonated with me on Thursday. 
Only a few pages left! Where did the year go?!

What a fabulous year 2016 has been! My best piece of advice if you're looking for an improved 2017 is to turn your TV off.

4. Lego! 
With minimal TV you have plenty of hours to fill. Draw. Read. Create. Build. 
We are crazy for Lego and had a ball looking {hello Santa} at this massive selection last weekend. 

5. The lizards are out!
Lazing idily in the sun, or making the best of their current conditions? 
It was fun watching this one hop up the steps!

Have a fabulous weekend - doing whatever it is that brings you peace. 

- Mel x

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