Joyful Learning Through Math, Art & Play!

26 August 2016

Five for Friday

What a week! Busy at school. Busy at home. Busy with life. Fortunately, busy is what I was made to be!

No matter what comes up or how I am feeling, I am constantly amazed, empowered and heart-warmed by my gorgeous kiddos and the way they get on with things and treat one another. 

Here are five random happenings from my week. 

1. Perspective. 
We are starting some perspective drawings in art and on one of our fabulous-weather days we got down on the grass and looked at things from a new perspective. 

Fresh new eyes can make you see things a whole lot differently. 

2. Lake


3. Paints

My sweet girl is doing an artwork for an upcoming art exhibition at her school. Love seeing her being so creative. 

4. iPad Rules

I found this great freebie on TpT this week, and it's from Kylie "Miss Smartie Pants" who shares amazingly fun and creative posts on Instagram! Love her and this is just perfect for what I need. 

5. Book Week

Schools in Australia celebrate book week with a book parade and I whipped up a One Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish outfit at the last minute. What a wonderful way for our students to shine and celebrate their love of literature! 

Thanks for stopping by - head over to my sweet friend Kacey's blog to find more teacher randomness. Happy Friyay!

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