Joyful Learning Through Math, Art & Play!

25 June 2016

Classroom Labels

I just added some watermelon themed labels to my TpT resource collection. There are 4 different sized labels to print and you can add text in the editable version!

Themed labels can quickly add a touch of color and fun to your classroom basics and very easily help you create a more eye-caching learning environment. 

I have lots of options in my store to help you create a cute classroom! Why cute? Well... why not?! 

I LOVE a cute classroom and creating one helps me stay excited about my job! You may have your own interpretation of the word 'cute' - but for me - it just means that something is visually appealing and thoughtfully considered in a visual way. 

Do all classrooms need to be cute? Of course not! Do students learn better? I doubt it - the teacher is the most important element in any room. Do I compare classrooms? Seriously, who has time for that?! 

I have wonderful photos of the vibrant 'cute' classroom I had in first grade way back in the (cough cough... 1980s). It is the only one I ever had, as most of my other teachers had strengths in different areas. I learned from and treasured every teacher I had, regardless of how much paint and glitter went up on the walls. If a child can understand that, can't we all?  

Celebrate all teachers and learners. If cute is your thing - go for it. Unashamedly. 

Here are some more printable classroom labels in my TpT collection if you feel the urge to decorate! 



 Have a wonderful day and thank you so much for stopping by!


17 June 2016

Pond Font Updates

I've added some new fonts to my big bundle

Enjoy these new additions to the collection. Have a wonderful day!


16 June 2016

Bright Happy Days

There are big, brilliant, bright happy days ahead! Your students will love this message, even if they are not heading into summer.

My third edition of 'Color Create Motivate' classroom posters have just been loaded into my TpT collection and they are on sale today at 50% off!

Included in the packet is 12 fun posters for your students to color, decorate and display in the classroom. I have also added 12 'wordless' pages, so that you can encourage your students to become designers themselves and make their own messages and word art! 

Posters are such a simple way to help build your classroom community, positive atmosphere and make it an inviting cherished learning space for your students. 

I love making my classroom spaces fresh and new as often as possible - it engages my students and makes them feel valued and treasured. If they can play an active part in that process by creating the displays and messages - it is even better!

Click HERE to find the resource in my TpT store!

Have a wonderful day and thanks so much for stopping by!


13 June 2016

Early Number - Bears on the Bus

Bears on the Bus is just one of many number games that will get your students excited about learning! We played this one today and it will encourage your earliest-mathematicians to understand the 'numberness' of numerals (as I like to say). 

My little Sam knows how to count to ten, but to him they are just words, spoken in a long string and he is not super-confident with counting out a set of objects to match a numeral. 

Number Bus encourages students to recognise numbers 1-3 in a few different ways and to model their understanding of the value of the numbers by making sets of teddy counters on the buses. There is an optional recording page so the cards can be used as task card activities. 


I have listed this packet as an individual file in my TpT collection, 


however it has been part of an activity pack for some time now. 

My sweet Sam also loves 'sticking' at the moment and anything he can do with scissors and glue. I made this little worksheet activity for him today, requiring him to match the correct number of cereal bowls to each bear. 

You can find it HERE for free in my Google Drive!

Thanks so much for visiting my blog, please add your email in the tab on the right sidebar to make sure you never miss a post!


09 June 2016

Paper Craft Bundle

A few years ago, I made a 'growing bundle' of my paper crafts. I keep adding to it, and will stop when it gets to 200MB. It is still only 113MB!

Today I added a 'Robots Rock' craft where students have to think of 3 arguments to support the statement 'I think robots rock because...'. 

If you own the bundle, you will find it revised in your 'My Purchases' access tab!

 Find the craft bundle in my TpT store HERE

Have a wonderful day friends, and thank you so much for stopping by!


08 June 2016

Write and Wipe Fun!

Recently, I've added a few new Write'n'Wipe card activities to my collection

Write'n'Wipe cards are a practical and fun way to get the necessary repetitive practice of essential skills completed by your learners. 

Double Frog will turn doubling BIG numbers into something fun for your students! 

Robot Skip Count has cards that cover the 2 to 12 times tables and gets your students revising skip counting in such a fun way, they won't even realize they are working hard!

Crabby Times will target the times tables specifically and mix it up with random arrangements to challenge your super clever learners!

Robot Addition Frames provide 6 challenging questions on each card!

As do the Doggy Division cards!

Caterpillar Count will get your students counting in forward number sequences from different start positions and this one is a FREE download! 

Turtle Round is a much loved original and has been revised several times! It is still FREE and will become a class favorite for you!

Thanks so much for stopping by today - enjoy the sunshine if you have some!


04 June 2016

New Fonts Added

I've added some new fonts to my big bundle on TpT! If you own the license already, simply go to your 'My Purchases' tab and download the revised bundle. 

Here are some previews of the new ones:


Thanks so much for stopping by! Have a wonderful day!
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