Joyful Learning Through Math, Art & Play!

10 January 2016

Addition Strategies


Do you have students who know basic addition as combining groups and are starting to develop some strategies for fluency and flexibility in their problem solving?

Perhaps your students can confidently recall the 'friends of ten' but forget to use this strategy when solving more challenging problems. Quickly assess your learners by giving them 3 numbers to total. Do they identify the numbers that combine to ten first before adding on the third?

Free Let's Make Ten Poster

Firstly, you may like to review the combinations. Find a FREE printable for making 10 in our store.


Adding 3 numbers - making 10 first

Our new activity game pack will see students 'bridging to ten'. They must look at 3 numbers and find/make the ten first. You can use pegs (clothespins) and a pipe cleaner to make a 'bridge' and further solidify the joining of these two numbers to make them one new number (10).

Help your students understand that by looking for a ten, and joining them, we then only had 2 numbers to add, when looking at 3 numbers to combine.

So, 2+3+8 would then become 10+3 - much easier to work with!

This new 'print and play' activity is in our TpT store and on sale today. I have included a recoding sheet in the packet and you can set up a 'task card' activity station with students taking a card, finding the total and recording it on their page.

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