Joyful Learning Through Math, Art & Play!

31 October 2015

Ghost Writing Topper

Ghost Writing Topper

Time for the fabulous Five for Friday with Kacey from Doodle Bugs Teaching! Yippee!

1. Ghost Writing

Try this sample of my 'Top Your Writing' series for FREE!

Download it from Google Drive: Ghost Writing Projects

2. New Bundle Listed

Speaking of writing toppers, I have finished my third bundle. Find it at TpT by clicking on the image below. It includes fun crafty and easy-to-prep toppers for an owl, squirrel, spider, bat, turkey, scarecrow, pumpkin, crow and black cat writing project!

3. Fun with Artline Stix!

Artline recently sent me some of their fun Stix products to try with my children. It was great, because we already had some and these added to our collection. 

We love them so much! They suit our household so much, because you can DRAW, BUILD and PLAY with them! That is what we spend most of our time doing!

There are pens, connectors and toys to help encourage little ones to interact with writing materials for longer periods of time. 

My little Sam was immediately captivated and I found that he spent longer at the table because he could build and interact with the pens. 

We loved the brush tip markers! They were smooth, bright and easy to use. 

When my daughter got home from school, she joined the fun and was excited to see more Stix in our collection. She particularly liked the toys.

The possibilities are endless, and I am quite certain there will be some more for our collection in our stockings on Christmas morning! 

4. Halloween Aftermath 

Hop over to Blog Hoppin to find some FREEBIES from the amazing Rachelle from What the Teacher Wants, for Monday!

5. More for Halloween

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