Joyful Learning Through Math, Art & Play!

29 August 2015

Clip It Kids

Clip It Kids

Math Activity Packs each include 5 math activities to help supplement your existing mathematics program.

These bundles truly represent how I got started on this journey to begin with. I was always looking for high quality, motivating small-group activities to work alongside my program in the classroom.

Having taught the lower grades for 15 years now, I have used many different 'big picture' programs. All of them in essence, have a very similar structure of skill development. I want my bundles to be of good value to teachers - hopefully fitting in with any program you use now or in the future.

They will be sequenced and structured to give you a good basis for your learning plans, but flexible enough to fit with your changing classroom program.

Each pack includes 5 printable activities that all work towards a similar learning target.

I have called them 'activities'. Again, over time I have heard this style of learning instruction called so many different names. My aim is to develop these printables in a way so that they can be easily adapted and used in any slight variation of this learning situation.

Essentially, it is a small group of children sitting down together and working with a concentrated, specific identified learning focus.

Call them centers, small groups, guided math or rotations. The similarity is that students are being active with the learning, they are 'doing' and they are working alongside or with other students. The goal is for students to be working on an identified skill that will bridge their learning to the next level.

My 'clip it kids' are in the second bundle of the series - Math Pack 2 - and helps students develop an understanding of numbers 0-6.

Explore our range of Math Packs over on the website page.
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